
160 The Exchange 2000/2003 SMTP connector GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
The Exchange server must be configured to forward all mails sent to
the faxmaker.com and smsmaker.com domains and the fax: address
space to the GFI FAXmaker server. To do this:
Screenshot 147 – Connectors node
1. Create an SMTP connector that forwards mail sent to
faxmaker.com, smsmaker.com and fax: to GFI FAXmaker. Start up
Exchange System Manager and go to the Administrative groups >
routing groups node.
2. Right-click on the Connectors Node, select ‘New->SMTP
Connector’ and give it a name: ‘GFI FAXmaker SMTP connector’.
Screenshot 148 - Specifying IP/Name of GFI FAXmaker machine