140 • The SMS gateway GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
numeric value. Valid values are 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 and
57600. Make sure to check with the device manufacturer for the best
baud rate that the device can be used. Some devices can only
communicate at a set speed for example 9600bps.
Initialisation String: This is an optional field that only needs to be set
in case of a problem.
Configuring the Inbuilt SMS server
To configure and use the Inbuilt SMS server, right-click on the SMS
node and select 'Properties'. Tick the 'Enable SMS gateway' option
and continue with the following steps:
Screenshot 135 - Configure SMS server
1. Select ‘Use inbuilt SMS server (Requires compatible mobile)’
2. Configure the SMS server by clicking on the 'Configure SMS
Server...' button. If no mobiles have been set-up yet, the "Add new
mobile" dialog will show up. In this dialog, select on which COM port
you have attached the mobile device. If this is not the first mobile
being entered, you can copy the mobile information from one of the
installed mobiles by using the “Copy settings from installed mobile:”
option. Once the COM port is selected, press OK.