
210 GFI FAXmaker ReportPack - Custom reports GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual
Screenshot 197 - Report name and description for a custom report
5. In the Date Filters page, you need to specify what period of data
you want to include in the custom report. You can either specify a
fixed date range, so that the report always includes the same data, or
else you can specify a variable date range, for example, for the last 6
months. When you select a variable date range, the data included in
the custom report will vary depending on when the report is
generated. Click Next to continue.
Screenshot 198 – Selecting the date range
6. In the Custom Report Wizard finish page, click Finish to complete
the wizard. GFI ReportCenter will display the Custom Reports panel,
where the custom report you just created is listed.