GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Fax routing • 67
Configuring Fax routing
Introduction to fax routing
An important ability for Network fax packages is to be able to
determine the right recipient of an incoming fax. GFI FAXmaker
supports several ways of achieving this. Each method has its
advantages and disadvantages. Overall, DID routing is preferred for
larger installations, and MSN and Line routing for smaller installations.
In this paragraph we discuss all the routing methods, their advantages
and their requirements.
DID routing (ISDN)
ISDN is the faster, more reliable and more cost effective way to do
faxing. ISDN is available in most regions via your telecommunications
provider. The ISDN protocol is digital, and allows you to set-up direct-
in-dial (DID) routing. In the UK, DID routing is also referred to as DDI
With DID routing your telecommunications provider allocates you a
range of virtual numbers, which will allow individual
users/printers/public folders to have their own fax numbers, without
requiring a physical fax line for each. If you already have ISDN you
can choose to use available lines from your PBX. Upon answering the
fax call, the ISDN protocol will pass the number on which the call is
being answered to GFI FAXmaker.
Ordering a new ISDN line
If you wish to use a new fax number range with FAXmaker you will
need to contact your telecommunications provider to install an ISDN
service. You will need to let them know that you wish to use the
service for faxing, how many ISDN lines you want installed and how
large a range of numbers you wish to have assigned to service. The
telecommunications provider will then install a port (or a network
termination device depending on your region) at your location to
connect to the ISDN card in the FAXmaker server.
, One ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) consists of 2 ISDN channels.
i.e. 4BRI will give eight lines for faxing. One ISDN Primary Rate
Interface (PRI) will give 24/30 lines depending on your region.
Using available ISDN lines behind a PBX
If you want to use numbers from an existing number range for routing
faxes to individual users you will need to contact your phone
technicians. They will need to create what is commonly referred to as
an ‘s-bus extension’ and configure a port for the ISDN card to be
configured as an ‘s-bus device’. The phone technicians will then need
to program the PABX to present the DID numbers from the specified