GFI FAXmaker for Exchange/SMTP Manual Configuring Fax server options • 101
Screenshot 101 - Fields dialog
• Default From <def_from> Global fax header specified in the fax
line options.
• Default To <def_to> This field is replaced by the company name of
the recipient. If you did not specify a company name, but did
specify a name, the name will show in this field. If you did not
specify a name or company, this field will include the recipient's
fax number.
• Time, date & pages Information is taken from your machine
• Sender fields Details are taken from the user’s properties.
• Recipient fields Details are retrieved from the recipient details.
Render this footer text on all outgoing faxes (incoming in the
case of stamping): Tick this option if you want a footer to appear on
each page. You can insert fields in the text by clicking on Fields.
, You can not change the footer in an evaluation version of GFI