Chapter 5 Gate Mode Operation 87
• Intensifier Gain
The Intensifier gain setting provides continuous adjustment over a range of 1 to
100. Gain is approximately proportional to the number entered:
— 100 corresponds to the maximum gain, or 100%;
— 1 corresponds to approximately 1% of the maximum gain.
The default value will provide good results in many applications. Gain can only be
changed when acquisition is NOT occurring. In order to reconfigure the level of
gain, acquisition must FIRST be stopped. The gain may then be changed/saved, and
data acquisition may then resume. The suggestion is to start collecting data using a
relatively low gain setting. If necessary, the gain may then be incrementally
increased until optimal results have been obtained.
The intensifier gain also affects the Equivalent Background
Illumination (EBI) of the intensifier. One side result of this is
that in order to properly perform background subtraction, a
new background must be taken whenever the intensifier gain
has been changed.
• Intensifier Mode
The Intensifier Mode selection configures the bias control for the intensifier. Valid
options are:
— The intensifier is biased on/off by the specified pulser gate timing (Gate Mode);
— The intensified is continuously biased off until Gate mode has been selected
(i.e., Safe Mode.)
5.13.2 Timing Tab
Experiment setup requires the configuration of a variety of experiment timing parameters which
are located on the
Experiment Setup —> Timing tab. See Figure 5-21.
Figure 5-21: Typical Experiment Setup Dialog: Timing Tab