Chapter 16 Component Descriptions 239
16.2.1 AUX I/O
This is a 26-pin female DB connector. The standard AUX I/O cable included with all PI-MAX4
systems, provides easy access to five (5) I/O signals which can be used to input a trigger to
initiate data acquisition, monitor frame readout status, and/or control an external shutter.
The five I/O signals are:
• T0 Out;
• Pre-Trigger In;
• SyncMASTER1;
• General Purpose Input 0;
• SyncMASTER2.
Refer to Section A.6, AUX I/O Interface, on page 258 for complete information about the
AUX I/O interface.
16.2.2 AUX Out
This is a standard female BNC connector.
The AUX Out signal is a DC-coupled programmable delay trigger output (T0) used to
synchronize external devices with PI-MAX4. The host software sets the Delay Time for this
output with respect to the internal timing generator trigger time.
The delay is programmable from 0.01 ns to 1 second.
The source impedance is approximately 100 and it will provide > 1 V into 50 .
16.2.3 AUX Power [PI-MAX4: 1024i-RF only]
Power input for the RF modulation section of a PI-MAX4: 1024i-RF camera.
16.2.4 Coolant Ports
Two standard ¼-inch barbed brass fittings for circulating coolant are located on the back
panel. Either port may be used as the inlet.
The coolant cannot be chilled.
Use Princeton Instruments’ CoolCUBE
coolant circulator.
For additional information, refer to:
• Section 3.7, Connect the Circulator [Liquid-Cooled
Cameras Only], on page 42;
• Section 5.5, Temperature Control, on page 66.
Although circulating water will extend the camera’s cooling
capabilities, it is not necessary. Most of the camera’s cooling is
provided by the fan.