Chapter 1 Introduction 27
1.8 About this Manual
This section provides information about the organization of this manual.
1.8.1 Conventions Used in this Manual
WinX is a generic term for WinView/32, WinSpec/32, and WinXTest application software.
In this manual,
detector and camera are used interchangeably.
Most features supported by the PI-MAX4 are also supported by the PI-MAX4-RF and
PI-MAX4: EM family. Therefore,
PI-MAX4 is used generically throughout this manual
unless a distinction must be made between specific camera types.
The PI-MAX4-RF does not support picosecond gating or MCP
In many instances, WinX and LightField use different terms for the same functions or
parameters. Unless the topic is specifically for LightField or WinX, curly brackets { } are used
to denote a LightField term or location. When the topic applies to both application programs,
the WinX term will be followed by the {LightField term}: for example, when
is used, it will be followed by {Clean Until Trigger}. This convention is also used
when a location for setting a parameter is mentioned: for example, the desired camera
temperature is set on the
Detector Temperature dialog {Sensor expander}.
1.8.2 Manual Organization
This manual provides the user with all the information needed to install a PI-MAX4
Intensified CCD camera and place it in operation. Topics covered include a detailed
description of the camera, installation and setup, first time data acquisition, tips and tricks,
microscopy applications, temperature control and more. A brief description of each chapter
and appendix is provided:
• Chapter 1, Introduction, provides an overview of the PI-MAX4 camera. Topics
include a description, theory of operation, and specifications.
• Chapter 2, System Installation, cross-references system setup actions with the
relevant manuals and/or manual pages. It also contains system layout diagrams.
• Chapter 3, System Setup, provides detailed directions for installing and setting up
the PI-MAX4 for both spectroscopy and imaging.
• Chapter 4, First Light, provides abbreviated directions for getting your PI-MAX4
into operation as soon as possible.
• Chapter 5, Gate Mode Operation, provides information about experiment setup,
temperature control, background subtraction, array readout, binning, and
digitization when operating in Gate Mode.
• Chapter 7, WinX and Gated Operation, discusses issues specific to using WinX and
operating the PI-MAX4 system in gate mode.
• Chapter 6, LightField and Gated Operation, discusses issues specific to using
LightField and operating the PI-MAX4 system in gate mode.
• Chapter 8, Timing Generator, discusses and illustrates the trigger modes available
when operating the system in gate mode.
• Chapter 10, WinX and Dual Image Feature, discusses using WinX with the mode
specifically designed for capturing a pair of gated images in rapid succession.