Chapter 3 System Setup 41
3.6.2 LightField Applications
This section provides the installation procedure for LightField application software.
Install the GigE Adapter card BEFORE installing the
LightField application software.
Before beginning to install LightField, verify that:
• The operating system on the desired host computer is either Windows Vista (64-bit)
or Windows 7 (64-bit);
• A GigE adapter card has been installed;
• The host computer is connected to the Internet. Internet connection may be required
for product activation.
Perform the following procedure to install LightField on the host computer:
1. Insert the LightField Installation CD into the CD drive on the host computer, and follow
the on-screen prompts.
Figure 3-2 illustrates a typical InstallShield Wizard dialog.
Figure 3-2: Typical LightField InstallShield Wizard Dialog
After the installation has been completed, reboot the computer.
3. Connect the PI-MAX4 system components to the host computer and apply power.
4. Launch LightField, activate it, and begin setting up your experiment.
For additional information, refer to Section 4.5, LightField
First Light Instructions, on page 49.