242 PI-MAX
4 System Manual Issue 4
16.2.14 Thermoelectric Cooler
The thermoelectric (TE) cooler is mounted to the heat removal block. With air-cooling
alone, at an ambient temperature of 25C, temperature lock at 25 will generally occur
within ten to fifteen minutes. Note that the exact cooling performance is a function of the
CCD array installed. Also, if the ambient temperature is particularly warm, achieving
temperature lock might take longer, or may not occur at all.
16.2.15 Trigger In
This is a standard BNC connector, and serves as the main trigger input to the timing
generator when external triggering is used.
When external triggering is selected in the software, the internal timing generator will be
triggered by an externally-derived trigger pulse (range of ±5.5 V) applied to this input. The
threshold, slope, coupling mode (i.e., AC or DC,) and input impedance (i.e., High or 50 ,)
are selectable in software.
The adjacent green
TRIGGER IN LED flashes each time the camera is triggered (glows
steadily at high repetition rates.) The actual triggering can also be readily determined by
observing the signal at the
Monitor output with a fast oscilloscope.
16.2.16 User RF Out [PI-MAX4: 1024i-RF only]
This is a standard female BNC connector. User-programmable continuous frequency output
to synchronize external devices with PI-MAX4: 1024i-RF. When used, this must be
connected to a standard 50 RF load.
Always turn the power off at the power supply before connecting or
disconnecting any cable that interconnects the camera and the
computer or serious damage to the CCD may result. This damage is
NOT covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
16.3 Gig-E Ethernet Card
This card must be installed in the host computer to control the PI-MAX4
camera and to receive data from the camera.
16.4 Extender Bracket Kit
Each PI-MAX4 camera is shipped with an Extender Bracket kit that, when mounted to the
rear of the camera, allows the PI-MAX4 to be secured to a laboratory table using tapped
mounting hole arrays with ¼-20 on 1-inch spacing, or M6 on 25 mm spacing.