290 PI-MAX
4 System Manual Issue 4
F.3.2 Align and Focus an IsoPlane SCT-320 Spectrograph
Because the PI-MAX4 or PI-MAX4-RF is mounted directly to the mounting plate on an
IsoPlane, focusing and alignment is different from the way that rotational alignment and
focusing are performed for an Acton SpectraPro Series spectrograph. The following
information assumes that you are familiar with the locations of the mounting plate,
Micrometer Compartment, and the locking set screw. If not, refer to the IsoPlane manual
supplied with the spectrograph.
1. When adjusting focus for IsoPlane for the first time with a
PI-MAX4 or PI-MAX4-RF, it is likely that the IsoPlane
focus mirror will need to be adjusted. If the IsoPlane was
previously used with a PIXIS or other Princeton
Instruments camera with a back focus distance of
approximately 0.6 inches, the focus setting will need to be
changed to a much lower micrometer reading when
focusing using a PI-MAX4 which has a back focus
distance of approximately 0.9 inches.
2. If the camera has a 25 mm intensifier, some vignetting of
the sides of the focal plane is normal. Vignetting is much
less likely to occur if the camera has an 18 mm diameter
3. If the IsoPlane was ordered with a shutter at the entrance
slit and a PI-MAX4 or PI-MAX4F is to be used with this
IsoPlane, the shutter must either be removed from the
IsoPlane or controlled by an Acton SHC-EXT external
shutter control box if one is available. Refer to the IsoPlane
manual for shutter removal instructions.
Perform the following procedure to align and focus an IsoPlane SCT-320 spectrograph:
1. Mount a light source such as a Princeton Instruments Hg and Ne/Ar Dual Switchable
light source in front of the entrance slit.
2. With the IsoPlane properly connected to the computer, turn the power on, wait for the
spectrograph to initialize.
3. With the camera mounted to the spectrograph and connected to the computer, turn on
the power and wait for the camera to initialize.
4. Launch the application software:
• When using WinSpec, a spectrograph must be defined.
• When using LightField, the desired camera and spectrograph icons must be dragged
into the
Experiment Devices area.
5. Set the spectrograph to:
• 435.8 nm if using a mercury source, or
• 0.0 nm if using a broadband source.
6. Set the slit to 10 m at a minimum. If necessary, readjust the SuperSYNCHRO
frequency to maintain optimum (near full-scale) signal intensity.
7. Wait until the camera locks at its default temperature.