Mitsubishi Electronics QD77MS4 Home Security System User Manual

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Chapter 14 Common Functions
14.4 External signal selection function
The "external signal selection function" is used to select from the following signals
when using the upper/lower limit signal, near-point dog signal, and stop signal.
• External input signal of QD77MS
• External input signal of servo amplifier
• External input signal via CPU (buffer memory of QD77MS)
When the external input signal via CPU (the buffer memory of QD77MS) is used, the
external input signal status of Simple Motion module can be operated by connecting
the limit switch to input module and by operating the buffer memory of sequence
program. When the external input signal via CPU (the buffer memory of QD77MS) is
used, operation is affected by the PLC scan time.
The details shown below explain about the "External signal selection function".
[1] Parameter setting details
[2] Precautions during parameter setting
[3] Control details
[4] Program example
[1] Parameter setting details
The setting details of the "External signal selection function" are shown in the
following table.
Setting item Setting value Setting details
Buffer memory address
input signal
QD77MS2 : 0
QD77MS4 : 0
QD77MS16: 1
Set the external signal selection.
0: External input signal of QD77MS
1: External input signal of servo amplifier
2: Buffer memory of QD77MS
3: External input signal 1 of QD77MS
4: External input signal 2 of QD77MS
5: External input signal 3 of QD77MS
6: External input signal 4 of QD77MS
n: Axis No.-1