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Chapter 9 Major Positioning Control
9.2 Setting the positioning data
9.2.1 Relation between each control and positioning data
The setting requirements and details for the setting items of the positioning data to be
set differ according to the "[Da.2] Control system".
The following table shows the positioning data setting items corresponding to the
different types of control. Details and settings for the operation of each control are
shown in Section 9.2.2 and subsequent sections.
(In this section, it is assumed that the positioning data setting is carried out using
GX Works2.)
Major positioning control
Positioning data setting items
Position control Speed control
1-axis linear control
2-axis linear interpolation
3-axis linear interpolation
4-axis linear interpolation
1-axis fixed-feed control
2-axis fixed-feed control
3-axis fixed-feed control
4-axis fixed-feed control
2-axis circular
interpolation control
1-axis, 2-axis, 3-axis,
4-axis Speed control
positioning control
(Positioning complete)
Continuous positioning
Continuous path control
[Da.2] Control system
Linear 1
Linear 2
Linear 3
Linear 4
Fixed-feed 1
Fixed-feed 2
Fixed-feed 3
Fixed-feed 4
Circular sub
Circular right
Circular left
Forward run speed 1
Reverse run speed 1
Forward run speed 2
Reverse run speed 2
Forward run speed 3
Reverse run speed 3
Forward run speed 4
Reverse run speed 4
[Da.3] Acceleration time No.
[Da.4] Deceleration time No.
Axis to be interpolated
: 2-a xis –: 1, 3, 4-axis
Positioning address/movement
[Da.7] Arc address – – –
[Da.8] Command speed
Dwell time/JUMP destination
positioning data No.
M code/Condition data No./Number
of LOOP to LEND repetitions
Axis to be interpolated No.1
: 2, 3, 4-axis –: 1-axis
Axis to be interpolated No.2
: 3, 4-axis –: 1, 2-axis
Axis to be interpolated No.3
: 4-axis –: 1, 2,3 -axis