Mitsubishi Electronics QD77MS4 Home Security System User Manual

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Chapter 9 Major Positioning Control
(2) The following table shows the items that must be set to use the near-point dog
signal (DOG) as speed-position switching signals.
Setting item
Setting details
Buffer memory address
switching device
Use the near-point dog signal
for switching from speed
control to position control
1566+100n 4366+100n
(Note): The setting is not required for "[Pr.42] External command function selection" and "[Cd.8] External
command valid".
Refer to Section 5.7 "List of control data" for information on the setting details.
(3) The following table shows the items that must be set to use "[Cd.46] Speed-
position switching command" as speed-position switching signals.
Setting item
Setting details
Buffer memory address
switching device
Use the "[Cd.46] Speed-
position switching command"
for switching from speed
control to position control
1566+100n 4366+100n
(Note): The setting is not required for "[Pr.42] External command function selection" and "[Cd.8] External
command valid".
Refer to Section 5.7 "List of control data" for information on the setting details.
Changing the position control movement amount
In "speed-position switching control (INC mode)", the position control movement
amount can be changed during the speed control section.
(1) The position control movement amount can be changed during the speed
control section of speed-position switching control (INC mode).
A movement amount change request will be ignored unless issued during the
speed control section of the speed-position switching control (INC mode).
(2) The "new movement amount" is stored in "[Cd.23] Speed-position switching
control movement amount change register" by the sequence program during
speed control.
When the speed-position switching signal is turned ON, the movement amount
for position control is stored in "[Cd.23] Speed-position switching control
movement amount change register".
(3) The movement amount is stored in the "[Md.29] Speed-position switching
control positioning amount" of the axis monitor area from the point where the
control changes to position control by the input of a speed-position switching
signal from an external device.