Transmit Mode
Maintenance Mode
PT Setting Status
I/O Check
Display History
Memory I ni t.
Memory Swi tches
Sc r ee n Data Memo r y
Memory Tables
Display History
Memory Swi tches
Section 3-4
Selecting “No” will cancel the memory initialization. To change the system set-
tings or to register the screen data, set DIP SW2-1 to OFF and start the
NT600S, and then, call the System Menu screen.
The NT600S DIP SW2-1 is used to set “Screen data forced initialize effective/in-
effective”. Setting this to ON selects “effective”, and OFF “ineffective”.
Initialization of the Memory Tables
It is possible to initialize the numeral memory tables and character-string memory
tables in the NT600S. When these tables are initialized, the values are returned to
those set by the support tool.
If a memory table is initialized in the Maintenance Mode, it is initialized regardless
of the setting for the resume function (resume function: page 98)
If “Effective” is set for the “Resume Function” memory switch, the initial values set
with the support tool will not be reflected inthe present values of the memory tables
unless the memory tables are initialized.
If “Ineffective” is set for the “Resume Function” memory switch, the memory
tables can be initialized just by switching the NT600S poweroff andback onagain,
or by resetting it, (page 98)
Using the System Menu, initialize the memory tables by following the procedure
given below.
Select “Maintenance Mode”.
Select “Memory Init.”.
Select “Memory Tables”.