The related manuals are indicated below.
The symbol at the end of the manual number is the revision history symbol.
Operating the Programmable terminal and Communicating with the Host
NT600S Programmable Terminal Operation Manual
V022-E1- (this manual)
This operation manual is the manual for the NT600S itself.
The NT600S is a unit which integrates a programmable terminal body and host
interface unit. However, note that a C200H interface unit is required for com-
munications using the C200H direct communication function. This operation
manual describes the functions and handling of both the programmable termi-
nal body and the host interface function.
Creating and Transferring Screen Data
NT Series Support Tool Ver.2 Operation Manual
The screens displayed on the NT600S are created with the support tool and
transferred to the NT600S. This manual describes how to create and transfer
screen data.