
Section 1-4
2-4-1 What is the NT Link (1:N)
The NT link uses the direct connection function and can execute high-speed com-
munications with the CPU units (with built-in host link) of the CPM1, CQM1,
C200HS, C200HX/HG/HE, or CVM1/CV series.
When using the NT600S inan NT link, two communications modes are possible: a
single NT600S can be connected to one PC (1:1 NT link), or alternatively, up to
eight NT600S units can be connected to a single PC port (1:N NT link).
However, the 1:N connection NT link can be used with C200HX/HG/HE only. In
the following sections, the NT link communication modein generalwill beindicated
by the term “NT link”, a 1:1 connection NT link will be indicated by
“NT link (1:1)”, and a 1:N connection NT link will be indicated by “NT link (1:N)”.
Features of the NT Link
The NT link method has the following features.
It allows high-speed communications with a specific PC.
Data can be written to the memory area of the PC in bit units.
This means that different bits of the same word to which a touch switch is allo-
cated can be used for different applications (for example the allocation of a
However, since data is written to the DM area in word units, it is not possible to
use the other bits of words to which touch switches have been allocated for other
applications in the case of this area.
Can be used even while the PC is in the run mode. When using a host link, the
NT600S switches from the run mode to the monitor mode.
With NT link (1:N), up to eight NT600S units can be connected to asingle PCport
and used simultaneously.
When using C200HX/HG/HE, by installing an expansion communication board
in the option slot of theCPU unit, it is possible to connect upto three NT link (1:N)
systems (comprising a total of 24 NT600S units). For details on communication
boards, refer to the “SYSMAC C200HW-COM01 to C200HW-COM06-E Com-
munication Board OPERATION MANUAL” (W304-E1- ).
Since there is compatibility between the NT link and host link, the host link direct
connection data can be used without alteration for the NT600S screen data and
PC programs.
When communication is conducted in a 1:N NT link, RS-232C/RS-422 converter
units (NT-AL001) must be used for the connections to the individual PTs.
When an NT600S-ST121(B)-EV is connected, a +5 V (150 mA) power supply is
required for the converter. Do not draw the power supply from the PT.