
Section 4-5
(2) When the absolute value of the % value is in the range of 100 % to 999 %
The % value is displayed as it is.
Sign display “No”: The display will be as mentioned below according to
the graph frame setting.
When the frame is displayed:
% display
0 % 100 %
999 %
Graph width: 8 dots
When the frame is not displayed:
% display
0 % 100 %
999 %
Graph width: 8 dots
1-dot-wide space
Sign display “Yes”: A value below --100 % will be displayed in the minus
direction as shown above.
(3) When the absolute value of the % value is above 1000 %
The bar graph will be displayed the same as (2) above.
The % value is displayed as follows according to the sign display setting:
Sign display “No”: %
Sign display “Yes”: %