97 95-7769—01
Configuring the T7350 Thermostat
Controller (T7350)
The T7350 is a full-featured Commercial programmable
thermostat. The primary opportunity for a Commercial
thermostat is in buildings with less than 55,000 square feet.
These buildings include restaurants, shopping malls, office
buildings and banks. Commercial thermostats are used on
single zone rooftop units, split systems, heat pumps or hot/
chilled systems.
The electronic thermostat consists of two pieces, the cover
assembly and a subbase. The subbase(s) include the
equipment control connections. The subbase is mounted on
the wall and the thermostat cover assembly is mounted on the
sub base. Different subbases will be used for different
applications including; up to Three Heat/Three Cool or Two
Heat/Four Cool, modulating outputs, and dehumidification
high limit control. Each subbase is compatible with the
common cover assembly.
Navigating to T7350 pages
Go to the Devices tab. Expand the list of devices on the left
pane (listed under WebVision). Select a device to view its
T7350 Configuration Options
The options for configuring a T7350 Controller are as follows:
• General
• KeyPad/Display
• Setpoints
• Equipment Control
Configuring the General Page
Use Table 70 and the General page to configure the
thermostat model, equipment type, outputs, inputs, day light
savings details.
Configuration can be performed with the wizard Off-line or
1. Click the General button on the left pane to open the
General Configuration page.
2. Enter information into available fields.
3. Click Commit to save the settings or Reset to revert to
the last saved settings.
4. Click Next to display the Keypad/Display
Configuration page.
T7350 General Configuration fields
See Table 70.
Table 70. T7350 General Configuration Fields
Name Definition
The T7350 Communicating Subbase(T7350CS) comes in two models, T7350H1009 and T7350H1017.
T7350H1009: This subbase is the Three Heat/Three Cool model. It allows for conventional or heat pump
operation. A total of 8 relays are available with the thermostat cover assembly and subbase. The auxiliary relay
may be configured for an economizer, TOD, or dehumidification. The subbase may be configured for 3 Heat/ 3
Cool or 2 Heat/ 4 Cool by using the third stage of heat for an additional stage of cooling.
T7350H1017: This subbase is the modulating subbase. A total of 4 relays are available with the thermostat cover
assembly and subbase. The auxiliary relay may be configured for an economizer, TOD, dehumidification or an
additional stage of heating and cooling.
See the Outputs section of this table on page 99 for description on these relays.
This field specifies the operation in which this subbase is used. When the thermostat model is selected as
T7350H1009, the equipment type can be selected as Standard or Heat Pump. The T7350H1009 subbase allows
for conventional or heat pump operation.
When the model is selected as T7350H1017, the equipment type is changed to Standard and this option is
disabled for selection. When the T7350H1017 model type is selected, the Heat Action and Cool Action options
under Outputs are enabled for selection. The modulating subbase does not allow for heat pumps.
Inputs This section allows you to configure the inputs to the thermostat.