95-7769—01 50
CVAHU HC Stages fields
Table 23 lists the CVAHU HC Stages fields.
CVAHU Zone Options
Configure CVAHU Controller zone options such as cooling
and heating setpoints (temperature settings).
Configuration can be performed with the wizard Off-line or
1. Click the Zone Options button on the left pane to open
the Zone Options Configuration page.
2. Enter information into available fields.
3. Click Commit to save the settings or Reset to revert to
the last saved settings.
4. Click Next to display the Miscellaneous Configuration
page or Back to display the Heat-Cool Stages
Configuration page.
CVAHU Zone Options fields
Table 24 lists the CVAHU Zone Option fields.
Table 23. CVAHU HC Stages Fields.
Name Definition
Minimum On/Off MinHeatOn enables minimum on/off
time. MinHeatOff replaces set minimum
on/off times with a 30-second default.
MinCoolOn enables minimum on/off time.
MinCoolOff replaces set minimum on/off
times with a 30-second default.
Cycles/Hour Cycles per hour (cph). Enter a value from
2 through 12. For example, cph for
conventional heating stage one is
normally 3 cph. Consult your hardware
installation guide for recommended
OAT Lockout Outside Air (OA) temperature lockout.
OA temperature values below the
Cooling lockout setting disables the
cooling stages. OA temperature values
above the heating lockout setting disable
the heating stages.
Min. Recov. Ramp Minimum recovery ramp (degrees per
hour). Enter a value from 2 through 20 for
cooling; 3 through 20 for heating. See
Excel 10 System Engineering manual,
(form 74-2958) at for a discussion of the
recovery ramp feature of the CVAHU.
• This literature is available on
customer.honeywell.com. Try the
following link:
Min. Recov. Ramp
Oa Temp
Minimum recovery Oa (outside air)
temperature. Enter value from 0 through
100 for cooling or heating. See Excel 10
System Engineering manual for a
discussion of the CVAHUs recovery ramp
Max. Recov. Temp Maximum recovery ramp (degrees per
hour). Enter a value from 6 through 20 for
cooling; 8 through 20 for heating. See
Excel 10 System Engineering manual for
a discussion of the recovery ramp feature
of the CVAHU.
Max. Recov. Oa
Maximum recovery Oa (outside air)
temperature. Enter value from 0 through
100 for cooling or heating. See Excel 10
System Engineering manual for a
discussion of the recovery ramp feature
of the CVAHU.
Fan Run On Time Enter an amount of time (from 0 to 120
seconds) the fan will continue to run after
the last stage of heating or cooling has
switched off. This value is only applicable
during Unoccupied times, and during
Occupied times if the Fan Control field is
set to AutoFan.
Table 24. CVAHU Zone Options Fields.
Name Definition
Cooling Occupied
Temperature range is 50 to 90 ºF
(10 to 32 ºC). Thermostat reaches this
temperature during Occupied times while
in the cooling mode.
Cooling Standby
Temperature range is 50 to 90 ºF
(10 to 32 ºC). Thermostat reaches this
temperature during Standby times while
in the cooling mode.
Temperature range is 50 to 90 ºF
(10 to 32 ºC). Thermostat reaches this
temperature during Unoccupied times
while in the cooling mode.
Heating Occupied
Temperature range is 50 to 90 ºF
(10 to 32 ºC). Thermostat reaches this
temperature during Occupied times while
in the heating mode.
Heating Standby
Temperature range is 50 to 90 ºF
(10 to 32 ºC). Thermostat reaches this
temperature during Standby times while
in the heating mode.
Temperature range is 50 to 90 ºF
(10 to 32 ºC). Thermostat reaches this
temperature during Unoccupied times
while in the heating mode.
Min. Limit Setpoint Provides a lower limit on the allowed
settings of the setpoint knob of the Wall
Module. Enabled if Wall Module Setpoint
is configured (Input Configuration page).
Values range from -9 to 9, (Setpoint
default set to OFFSET) or from 50 to 90
(Setpoint default set to