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Excel 10 VAV II Flow Pickup fields
Excel 10 VAV II – Miscellaneous
Use Table 67 to configure the Excel 10 VAV II miscellaneous
Define miscellaneous parameters for a VAV II Controller.
Configuration can be performed with the device On–line or
1. Click the Miscellaneous button on the left pane to open
the Miscellaneous Parameters page.
2. Enter information into available fields.
3. Click Commit to save the settings or Reset to revert to
the last saved settings.
4. Click Next to display the Custom Wiring page or Back
to display the Flow Pickup Table page.
Excel 10 VAV II MIscellaneous Settings fields
Excel 10 VAV II – Custom Wiring
Use Table 68 to configure the Excel 10 VAV II miscellaneous
To enable you to change the output pin configuration.
Configuration can be performed with the device On-line or
Table 66. VAV II Flow Pickup Fields.
Name Definition
Pt 1 through
Pt 10
Ten pairs of airflow values (Inw [Differential
pressure] and FPM [velocity])
Flow Sensor
List of tables that contains manufacturers'
specifications for airflow units. Each table
has 10 pairs of airflow values versus feet
per minute or feet per second. When a
sensor is selected from the table, the
airflow values are set to the default specific
to the chosen sensor.
Edit Column This list has Velocity and Volume options.
You can select Velocity, change the
velocity value and select Yes in Update
Alternate Column to update the volume
values. Alternatively, you can modify the
volume values and update the velocity.
Update Alternate
You can choose:
Yes - If the other column needs to be
No - If the other column does not need
to be modified
Table 67. VAV II MIscellaneous Settings.
Name Definition
Percent Max Flow Percentages of maximum flow for the
following categories:
Bypass Settings
Time Bypass Time (in minutes, default is
180) is the time between the pressing
of the override button at the wall
module and the return to the original
occupancy state. When the Bypass
state is activated, the bypass timer is
set to the Bypass time.
Type Select either Normal or Bypass
Priority Select either Last or Net.
Periph Min Pos Percentage for peripheral valve
minimum position.
Demand Limit Offset Degrees of offset for demand limit.
Activated when DestDlcShed is True
or active.
Temp Ramp Rate Ramp time for temperature.
Fan Flow Setpoint Setpoint in cfm for fan flow.
Fresh Air Required Amount of fresh air required in cfm.
FreshAirRatio is equal to FreshAirReq
divided by SrcBoxFlow. When
FreshAirRatio is large (greater than
100 percent), there is insufficient fresh
air being supplied to the zone even if
the supply air is 100 percent fresh air.
When FreshAirRatio is small, there is
sufficient fresh air being supplied to
the zone. FreshAirRatio is used for
coordination within the HVAC
subsystem and energy management
decisions by the supply equipment.