12. Operating AutoGeometry: Warp display
Image 12-1
3. Navigate to Eyepoint page and activate the eyepoint for which the warp capture process is to be performed.
4. Navigate to the AutoGeometry page and select the group where you wish to run the warp capture process.
Image 12-2
All projectors selected
5. Press Start Capture.
Image 12-3
Starting the capturing process
6. In the appearing AutoG eometry dialog do either of the following:
-pressSelected Group to run the warp capture process to all projectors of the selected group;
-pressCan cel to abort the capture process.
Image 12-4
Group selected for Warp Capturing
Note: The option Selected Pro jector is currently disabled. It m ight be re-enable in the future.
Note: If different head locations were used during the defi nition of AutoG eometry positions, the user will be prompted to move
the AutoAlignment Head to the appr
opriate locations physically during the AutoGeometry capture process.
Image 12-5
7. Verify the AutoAlignment Head location and do either of the following:
R59770509 AUTOALIGNMENT HEAD GEN II 26/11/2013