
8. Getting started
14.Repeat steps 8 to 13 to create additional positions until every pixels of every projector are part of atleast one position.
Image 8-113
Desired position saved successfully
8.6.5 OmniBlend position
OmniBlend position explained
•Dening OmniBlend position
Creating Mask image OmniBlend position explained
OmniBlend is a dedicated optical blending alignment tool for visual display systems with overlapping channels. It
optically scans blended edges and smoothens out imperfections in blend regions. The OmniBlend function of XDS
RACU uses the camera to keep the track of the blend regions and to automatically adjust the overlap (blend) region
luminance and color of each projector, so that a seamless image results.
Auto Exposure
Auto Exposure is an optimization of the camera integration time. If that time is too low, the scene is too dark and not
visible. If it is too high, the scene will be saturated and not clear.
The semi-circular dome display system an d the shape o f the visible channel areas as sh own in the im ages
below is just an exam ple which has been created for better and clear understanding. OmniBlend however is
not limited to visual display systems as rep resented in the images.
OmniBlend position
During conguration of the OmniBlend feature, each of the blend regions must be fully linked to its corresponding projector and to
a camera orientation (head and pitch) from which it can be c
Each of the blend regions must be captured in at least one “Picture”, a “Picture” being the Camera Live View for one xed camera
orientation (head and pitch). This “Picture” should not only include a blend region, but also at least some part of the adjacent
non-blending areas. If a blend region does not t in one “Picture”, it can be captured in multiple “Pictures”, each of them overlapping
the adjacent one in part.
An OmniBlend position is the camera orientation (head and pitch) linked to a “Picture”, but in this manual also refers to this ’Picture”
itself or to its corresponding Camera Live View.
OmniBlend positions should be carefully contrived, according to the following conditions and restrictions:
The sum of all OmniBlend positions must include all blend regions of the canvas in full and at least once;
One blend region may be captured in multiple overlapping OmniBlend positions if it doesn’t t one single OmniBlend position
(image 8-114). The best alignment results are achieved if the overlap size of the OmniBlend positions is approximately the
same size as the blend width;
For each blend region that is part of an OmniBle
nd position, some part of the adjacent non-blend regions must be captured as
well (image 8-115);
A blend region should not lay next to the edges of an OmniBlend position (since the non-blend area at that side would then
not be covered by this OmniBlend position – see previous bullet in this list). If one blend region lays next to the Position edge
anyway, it should also be included in another OmniBlend position where it is more centralized;
An OmniBlend position should only include small areas beyond the display screen: there is no point in selecting OmniBlend
positions that only cover a small area of the screen and a big area next to the screen (image 8-116);
In order to reduce the calculation time, the amount of OmniBlend positions should be kept to a minimum.
R59770509 AUTOALIGNMENT HEAD GEN II 26/11/2013