9. Dynacolor™ calibration
Image 9-11
Image 9-12
Desired values applied successfully to all projectors
Pressing the I nterrupt button stops the ongoing C olor A lignmen t pro cess. The Gimbal returns t o its home
position and the following confirmation dialog app
ears. The system w ill return to its previous situation and
no da ta wil l be lost
Image 9-13
9.4 Undoing a co lor alignment
While performing a color alignment, it can happen that the result is not satisfactory (i.e. color - color variation between the channels).
Pressing Undo Color Alignment overrides the value changes saved during this color alignment, ending up with the values of the
previous color alignment.
How to undo a color alignment?
1. Navigate to the Dynac olor page
2. Press Undo Color Alignment
Image 9-14
Pressing the Undo Color Alignment
3. In the appearing Undo Initial Color Alignment dialog do either of the following:
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