Configuring Network Access Rules
Using Bandwidth Management with Access
Bandwidth management allows you to assign guaranteed and maximum bandwidth to services and
also set priorities for outbound traffic. Bandwidth management only applies to outbound traffic from
the SonicWALL to the WAN or any other destination. The minimum guaranteed bandwidth in Kbps is
20 and the maximum is 100,000 kbps. Any rule using bandwidth management has a higher priority
than rules not using bandwidth management. Rules using bandwidth management based the
assigned priority and rules without bandwidth management are given lowest priority. For instance, if
you create a rule for outbound mail traffic (SMTP) and enable Bandwidth Management with a
guaranteed bandwidth of 20 Kbps and a maximum bandwidth of 40 Kbps, priority of 0, outbound
SMTP traffic always has 20 Kbps available to it and can get as much as 40 Kbps. If this is the only rule
using Bandwidth Management, it has priority over all other rules on the SonicWALL. Other rules use
the leftover bandwidth minus 20 Kbps (guaranteed) or minus 40 Kbps (maximum).
Alert: You must select Bandwidth Management on the WAN > Ethernet tab. Click Network, then
Configure in the WAN line of the Interfaces table, and enter your available bandwidth in the
Available WAN Bandwidth (Kbps) field.
Firewall > Access Rules
The Access Rules page displays a table of defined Network Access Rules. Rules are sorted from the
most specific at the top, to less specific at the bottom of the table. At the bottom of the table is the
Default rule. The Default rule is all IP services except those listed in the Access Rules page. Rules
can be created to override the behavior of the Default rule; for example, the Default rule allows users
on the LAN to access all Internet services, including NNTP News.
You can enable or disable Network Access Rules by selecting or clearing the check box in the Enable
column. Clicking the edit icon allows you to edit an existing rule, or clicking the delete icon
deletes an existing rule. If the two icons are unavailable, the rule cannot be changed or removed from
the list. Rules with a funnel icon are using bandwidth management.
Tip: You can easily create Network Access Rules using the Network Access Rule Wizard.