Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
in the FM3/4 module. Therefore, in order to store the values in the FM module, the Auto-Tune values must be applied to the
configuration file. When the user presses “Apply to Config.”, the values in the “Values From Drive” column are transferred
into the Motor Parameters column. Then the values must be downloaded by downloading the entire configuration file using
Device > Download.
Run Auto-Tune Button
The drive has the ability to run an Auto-Tune operation thereby measuring several different motor parameters. Doing so
allows the drive to obtain certain parameters that are not typically provided by the motor manufacturer, and also optimizes
other drive parameters to work properly with the connected motor/load.
PowerTools Pro allows the user to initiate the Auto-Tune feature from the Motor view.
The following table shows which parameters must be entered in order to run the Auto-Tune feature, and which parameters
are measured by the Auto-Tune.
Some Auto-Tunes cause motion while others do not. It is important to read and understand the warnings and instructions on
the Auto-Tune windows. It is strongly recommended to unload the motor if Auto-Tune Mode #3 is commanded.
When online with the drive, to initiate an Auto-Tune, click RunAuto-Tune button. The Auto-Tune dialog box opens and
contains warnings and instructions related to the Auto-Tune procedure, as well as selection of the Auto-Tune mode. An
example of one of the Auto-Tune windows is shown in Figure 7.
Motor Parameters Needed to Run Auto-Tune Measured by Auto-Tune Mode #
Motor Name
Peak Current •
Continuous Current Rating •
Motor Poles •
Rotor Inertia 3
Motor Ke 3
Phase Resistance 2,3
Phase Inductance 2,3
Max Operation Speed •
Encoder Lines/Rev • 1,2,3
Encoder Lines/Rev Exponent • 1,2,3
Encoder Marker Angle 1,2,3
Encoder U-Marker 1,2,3
Encoder Reference Motion 1,2,3
Encoder Type