Epsilon EP-I Indexing Drive and FM-2 Indexing Module Reference Manual
Error Messages
PowerTools Pro will pop-up an error message box to alert you to any errors it encounters. These message boxes will describe
the error and offer a possible solution.
The table below list the of common problems you might encounter when working with PowerTools Pro software along with
the error message displayed, the most likely cause and solution.
Problem/Message Cause Solution
Time-out while waiting for device response.
The attempted operation has been cancelled.
(see fault: No device selected)
Loss of serial communications.
Check the serial connection to the device and
try operation again.
The attached device(s) do not have valid
revisions, or do not have matching revisions.
Attempting to broadcast to drive without
matching firmware revisions.
Program each drive individually.
Unable to communicate with device [Address
The device that you are attempting to
communicate with is no longer available.
Check all connections and verify that you are
using the correct baud rate then try again.
The specified drive type (name) does not
match the actual drive type (name). Please
make necessary corrections.
The drive type you selected in the “Drive
Type” list box does not match the drive you
are downloading to.
Change the drive type selected in the “Drive
Type” list box to match the drive you are
downloading to.
Non-Control-Techniques device attached
(address). When trying to program more than
one drive, only EMC drives of the same type
can be attached to the network.
This error is caused When you attempting to
perform an upload or download to multiple
drives and one or more of the drives are not
the same type.
Disconnect the device(s) that has been
specified and try the operation again or
program each device individually.
You have changed a parameter which will
not take effect until the drive has been
rebooted. Before you reboot the drive, you
will need to save your setup to NVM. Do you
wish to save your setup to drive NVM now?
See message. Yes/No.
(Operation Name) The attempted operation
has been cancelled.
Communication error. Retry operation. Check connection to drive.
Invalid entry. The entry exceeds the precision
allowed by this field. The finest resolution
this field accepts is (value).
Entered a value out of range.
Enter a value within the range of that field.
The status bar displays information on the
currently selected object or action.
The device was disconnected during the
upload. The upload was not complete.
Connection to the device was lost (a time-out
Check the connection to the device and try
The device was disconnected during the
download. The download was not complete.
Connection to the device was lost (a time-out
Check the connection to the device and try
No device selected.
The device you are attempting to
communicate with is not responding.
Check all connections.
Verify the baudrate.
Verify that the “Maximum Node Address”
value is at least the value of the address of the
drive connected.