EPL Commands
12/16/13 EPL Programming Guide 14245L-003 Rev. A
The programmer should rely on the symbology’s specification to insure format compliance
and proper implementation. See the AIM web site for specifications at:
Associated MaxiCode symbol numbering where:
x = Symbol Number of
y = Total Number of Associated Symbols
Accepted Values: 1-8 for both x or y
Default Value: Not used
"DATA"=Mode dependent
data format
Mode dependent data is bounded by quotation marks.
Maximum of 2 KBytes of data.
cl = Class Code (3 digits required)
co = Country Code (3 digits required)
Mode 2 = Numeric Characters
Mode 3 = International Characters (up to 6 characters)
pc = Postal Code
Mode 2 = 5 or 9 characters
(All Numeric, including USA Postal ZIP 5 or 9 char.) For
less than 9 characters, the printer will pad the field with
Mode 3 (International)= Any alphanumeric character (up
to 6 characters)
lpm = Low priority message (data)
ASCII printable characters (up to 84 characters per
symbol), any 256 character map.
Parameters Details
Mode Data Format
2 & 3 “cl,co,pc,lpm”
4 & 6 “lpm”
Mode Data Format
2 & 3 “cl,co,pc,lpm”
4 & 6 “lpm”