12/16/13 14245L-003
This section contains information about the basic features, command syntax, and terminology
of the EPL2 programming language for Zebra's desktop printers with flash memory
architecture. These printers incorporate common programming code sets and architectural
The primary operating mode for the printer is EPL2, a page description language. EPL2 is an
ideal language for your labeling and bar code requirements. To speed printing, it is designed to
assemble all of the elements of the label prior to printing. EPL2 is versatile and capable of
printing text, graphics, and bar codes on a wide range of media.
Some direct thermal printer models also include a legacy printer compatibility mode, Line
Mode. Line Mode supports our early-model EPL programming language, EPL1. A separate
manual is provided for Line Mode printing. See the printer’s Software and Documentation CD
for the programmer’s manual that applies to your printer, or visit our web site at:
What’s New in this Document
Newly added to this programming guide are Set/Get/Do (SGD) commands. SGD commands
are commands that allow you to configure printers and have the printer perform the specified
function immediately after receiving the command.
See SGD Command Support on page 315 to determine if these commands are compatible with
your printer/firmware combination.