Command Conventions
14245L-003 EPL Programming Guide 12/16/13
Command Conventions
The manual uses the following typographic conventions to describe commands.
Basic Command Syntax
Each command consists of one or two ASCII (case sensitive) alpha characters to identify the
specific command desired. Some commands require one or more additional parameters to
supply the printer with sufficient information to complete the command. Refer to Figure 1- for
the basic command syntax.
Figure 1 • Basic Command Syntax
Example Description
A Commands (case sensitive)
p1,p2,p3 Required parameters
[p,p,p] Optional parameters
{Choice 1|Choice2} Indicates a mandatory choice between two or more items. You
must include one of the items unless all of the items are also
enclosed in square brackets.
“NAME” The name of a form or graphic in double quote marks.
“DATA” The text or bar code data in double quote marks. The
backslash (\) character designates the following character is a
literal and will encode into the data field.
“PROMPT” An ASCII text field that will be transmitted to the host (via the
serial interface) each time this command is executed.
Important • All commands and alpha character command parameters are case sensitive!
To Print Enter into data field
A p ,p ,p ,p ,p ,p ,p ,"DATA"
Command Parameters Command
Command Name