Document No: LT0122 F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Issue 2.7 5 July 2001 Page 6-27
Daylight saving start/end
This allows the selection of a date and time and a time difference for the start and end of
daylight saving to allow the panel to automatically set the time forward or back. The
programming of the start and end is identical and is described jointly here. At the
programmed start date/time the time will be put forward by the programmed start time
difference and at the programmed end date/time the time will be put back by the
programmed end time difference. There are two menus used, and to swap between the two
menus the cursor right/left keys are used.
The first menu gives options of 1:month; 2:hour; 3:minute; 4:day.
Setting the month to zero disables the daylight saving process for either the start or end,
whichever is selected i.e. they can be disabled independently and the month must be set to
zero for both the start and end to disable them both. Otherwise, set the month to a value 1-
12 to select months JANUARY to DECEMBER.
Options 2:hour and 3:minute determine the time of day that the daylight saving process is to
change the time. The hour is set to a value 0-23 to select midnight through to 11pm. The
minute is set to 0-59.
Option 4:day gives a menu which allows the setting of which day of the month the time is to
be changed.
The menu gives options 1:last weekday of; 2:Nth weekday of; 3:date.
Only one of options 1,2,3 can be chosen, but the daylight saving start setting may be
different to the end setting.
Option 1:last weekday of, will prompt for the entry of a weekday selection, 1 to 7 (1=Sunday,
7=Saturday) so that the day selected is then the last Sunday (say) of the month. This will
mean that the daylight saving change will occur on the last Sunday (say) of the month
regardless of the month or year.
Option 2:Nth weekday of, will prompt firstly for a value 1-4, to select the first, second, third or
fourth weekday, and then prompt for a weekday selection, 1 to 7 (1=Sunday, 7=Saturday) so
that the day selected is then, say, the third Sunday of the month - regardless of the month or
Option 3:date allows the entry of a specific day 1-31 to select the day of the month i.e. 1
being the first day of the month etc.
The second of the two daylight saving menus has options of 1:hour and 2:minute. This
allows the setting of the time difference in hours (0-23) and minutes (0-59) which is the
amount of time to be added or subtracted when the daylight saving change occurs. These
values must be programmed for both daylight saving start and end and will most likely be the
same but do not have to be.
Daylight saving will start and end on different dates and times, depending on the country or
state the FIP is located in.