F3200 Installation & Programming Manual Document No: LT0122
Network Programming
Page 11-14 5 July 2001 Issue 2.7
As described in section 11.2.2, a panel will transmits its MAF status and totals onto the
network for use by other panels, if programmed to. If both the “Refresh Tx Time” and the
“Max COS rate” listed below are zero then this panel will not transmit MAF status.
The MAF status and totals are transmitted at regular intervals, defined by the 'Refresh TX
time'. If a change of MAF Status occurs the new MAF status will be transmitted immediately
as long as the minimum time specified by 'Max Cos TX Rate' has elapsed since the last
transmission of MAF status.
If individual brigade signals are required per panel on the network, Network Variables can be
used to transfer the status and to control the relays.
The < and > keys allow movement between two menus named NetMAF1 and NetMAF2.
F3200 V2.07 or later software allows the following options to be set to zero. If both are zero,
the panel will never send MAF status onto the network.
1. Refresh TX time : (0-250)
A value in seconds which specifies the rate at which a refresh of the network MAF
status/totals of this SID should be transmitted onto the network.
2. Max COS rate : (0-250)
This is a value in seconds which specifies the maximum rate at which MAF status can be
transmitted into the network. If set to zero then MAF status is sent according to the Refresh
Tx time and is not sent for every change of state.
1. Receive net bells control : (Yes/No)
If enabled, allows the local bell relay to operate when a MAF alarm occurs on another panel.
The SID number of the remote panel must also be entered into the SID list of this panel and
have "Use MAF relay data" enabled if a MAF alarm at the remote panel is to operate the
bells at this panel.
2. Send bell isolate as net silence : (Yes/No)
If enabled will cause this panel to send a network silence state onto the network when the
local bells are isolated. This can then silence the bells at any other network panel that has
"Allow receive net bells silence" enabled (see Section 11.5.3) AND is programmed to use
the MAF status of this panel.
1. Allow receive net bells silence. (Yes/No)
If enabled, allows this panel to use a network silence state received from a remote panel to
keep the local bells off (providing the remote panel also appears in the SID list of this panel
and has "use MAF relay data" enabled). Hence, isolating the bells at a remote panel can
cause it to transmit a network silence state which is received by the local panel and will
cause the bells to remain off at the local panel.
If disabled, any network silence state received from other panels is ignored.