Document No: LT0122 F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Issue 2.7 5 July 2001 Page 6-17
The Program Data menu (refer to Fig 6.1.2) allows the user to program the following options:
1:Access Codes; 2:Text; 3:Global Data; 4:System Configuration; and 5:DBload.
Option 5:DBload is described in Section 6.3.5, and System Configuration is described in
Chapter 7. Option 3:Global Data is described in Section 6.4.4. The other options are
described in the following sections.
A summary of the programmable options and their default values is shown in Table 6.4.1 at
the end of this chapter.
Up to 10 separate 6 digit access codes are available (numbered 0-9), and each one has
provision for the users' initials (3 characters). The initials of the last user to change the
database are stored in the database. When the database is de-accessed, the user number
and initials are logged with the event.
The default access code for user 0 is 000000. There is no default code for users 1-9. User
0 can change any access codes (users 0-9), but users 1-9 can change only their own access
To enter or edit an access code, enter the user number (0-9) from the keypad. This gives
the options of: 1 : Access Code; 2 : Initials; 3 : Delete.
1. To enter a New Access Code, select Option 1. Enter the new six digits, and then re-
enter them to confirm.
2. To enter The New Three initials, select Option 2.
The LCD will display the alphabet on the bottom line. Move the █ cursor through the
alphabet using the ! " cursor keys. Press "ENTER" when the desired letter is
selected. Press "ACK" to save the entered initials.
"DELETE" will delete an entry. "EDIT" will toggle the █ cursor between the top line
(initials) and the bottom line (alphabet).
3. To Delete an Access Code, select Option 3 for that user. Press "ACK" to remove the
code for that user. The initials remain but can be edited as in 2 above.
Note that no two users should have the same code. Access code 000000 should not be
used for any user as it will be known by all service people familiar with F3200.