212 Candle Products Messages Manual (KLVHS–KONCT)
KMC0350E Invalid maximum cluster workload data length @2.
Explanation: You specified invalid cluster workload management maximum
message data for the Queue Manager.
User Response: Specify a valid cluster workload management maximum
message data. Specify a value between zero and 4 MB for OS/390, or between
zero and 999,999,999 on other platforms.
KMC0351E Invalid cluster namelist @2.
Explanation: The cluster namelist associated with this object is not a valid
MQSeries namelist.
User Response: Ensure that the namelist name is valid.
The character set that can be used for naming all MQSeries objects is as
Uppercase A-Z
Lowercase a-z (however, on systems using EBCDIC Katakana you cannot use
lowercase characters, and there are also restrictions on the use of lowercase
letters for OS/390 console support).
Numerics 0-9
Period (.)
Forward slash (/)
Underscore (_)
Percent sign (%). The percent sign (%) is a special character to RACF®. If you
are using RACF as the external security manager for MQSeries for OS/390,
you should not use % in object names. If you do, these names are not
included in any security checks when RACF generic profiles are used.
KMC0352E Invalid default bind.
Explanation: You specified an invalid default binding property for the queue.
User Response: Specify a valid default binding property.
KMC0353E Invalid network priority @2.
Explanation: You specified an invalid network priority for the channel.
User Response: Specify a valid network priority. The value must be in the
range 0 through 9.
KMC0354W MQSecure definintion is inconsistent with receiver/requester channel on
Queue Manager @1.
Explanation: There is a inconsistency between the definition of the MQSecure
properties on this channel, and the MQSecure properties for the corresponding
receiver or requester channel. The Message Encryption, Message Authentication,
and Connection Authentication property values must be identical for both
User Response: Ensure that the MQSecure options selected are identical for
both channels.