5. Front Panel Menu orientation
5.11 System menu > Diagnostics
The following illustration shows the Diagnostics subm enu, which you access from the System menu.
Image 5-15
The Diagnostics options allow a user to check if the E2 is functioning normally. Front panel and card operations can be checked.
Var ious system temperatures can be monitored and backup log files c an be saved for customer s ervice troubleshooting.
Front Panel
When Front Panel is selected to be tested, the VFD display will initially be blanked. Then the 24 x 4 character grid will start to s how
from the dimmest setting to the brightest setting. At this point a user can determine if any of the pixels or if a character segm ent is
bad in the display.
After s everal seconds of showing all pixels on at the brightest setting, the E2 will automatically advance to the ENCODER/BUTTON
TEST m enu (the next menu).
Directly select “Encoder/Button” from the Diagnostic menu will allow the user t o test the k eys and knob with-
out the need to see the VFD b eing tested.
Image 5-16
The ENCODER/BUTTON TEST menu allow the user to test the keys and knob.
When the knob on the front panel is rotated, a number will be displayed on the enco der line. The larger the number, the faster the
knob was rotated. The number will s how as p
ositive or negative depending on the direction the knob was turned.
Pressing any key on t he front panel will show the Button Code for the key.
SEL 14
Hold ESC to exit and return to the DIAGNOSTIC menu.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014