
7. System Setup
8. The box with the magnifying lens icon allows for a text string search. For example by typing “Cam”, it will return all presets with
the “Cam” part of its name.
(Optional) De stination Transition
Click o n the Adjust tab that is located on the top.
1. Select the Preview destination s creen to transition to program.
2. By clicking the All Trans or Cut button all of the s elected Preview screens will be transitioned to Program.
3. You can select background to be transitioned to program by clicking on the background button next to the S creen name in the
preview area.
4. Click on the Save to new Preset button.
5. If desired, click on the User Key name to edit the name.
Note: Now you are ready to execute the presets and transition on the desired preview look into Program. R em ember to select
the corresponding destinations when you use the Trans All button.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014