6. GUI orientation
6.39 Settings Menu > WebKit area > Tools > Manage Software
When you select the “Manage Software”, two tabs are presented. T he “Software Install” tab and the “Releases” tab.
From this menu you can select and download a new file from the Barco S erver. A dialog box allows y ou to select the location on
your computer where the file will be stored.
Image 6-77
Software Install
How to upgrade your system:
1. Outside of the GUI open a new window an d navigate to the folder containing the file you w ant to use to upgrade your system with.
2. Select the file and “drag and drop” it on top o f the green button. The file is compressed and it has tar.gz extension.
Image 6-78
3. Click on the blue “Upload” button. T his action will copy the file from th e computer into E2.
4. A green bar appears indicating the progress of the upload process.
5. While the unit updates its software the following message appears:
The system will now restart. Please wait...
Note: The upload process takes several minutes.
6. When the upload is complete, a window a
ppears instructing y ou to restart the unit.
Image 6-79
7. While the system reboots and in
stalls the new software, the web app displays a me ssage indicating that it can’t communicate
with the unit. This is normal and no action is required on your part.
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