7. System Setup
7.4 Return to factory default
Prior to performing any s etup procedures, it is recommended that y ou perform a factory reset — in order to reset all input, output
and source mappings to their default values.
Particularly for customers in the events and rental mark etplace, this procedure guarantees that any previous input setups and m em -
ory registers (e.g., those that may have been prog rammed by other users) are completely cleared from system mem ory.
If you are continuing an event (for example, d ay two of a three-day event), you do not need t o perform a factory
reset. However, if you do elect to perform a factory reset, ensure that you have backed up your system. for
details, please refer to the procedure "Backing up the system", pag e 166.
• Ensure that you are f amiliar with the Reset Men u. For details on all menus, please refer to chapter "Restoring Factory Default
Settings", page 64.
Restoring factory settings
To restore all default settings to the E2, use the following procedure:
1. Select Factory Reset from the Setup Menu.
The Factory Reset Menu appears.
2. Select Factory Reset to reset the entire system to its factory default values. Rem ember that all data will be lost.
Select F actory R eset, Save IP to reset the entire system to its factory default values, but retains the IP address of the E2.
A prompt appear s, asking if you want to clear all configurations.
3. Press SEL.
The system turns off, then it reboots.
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