9. General operation example
9.5 Programming Menu
The programing Menu is accessed by clicking on the Programming icon on the left hand side of the screen. The area in the middle
will display a c ompos ite o f the two screen destinations and the Aux destination created in the previous section.
We will assign layers and backgrounds into the screens, adjust sizing and positioning parameters, and finally, drop sources into the
Image 9-12
P1: You can skip this step if you don’t want thumbn ail imag es to represent the background. In this case, the
background in the destinations area will be b lack and noted only by the assigned name.
P1: Select thumbnail s for Background.
1. From the left hand side, click on the Background tab.
2. Next to the Refresh All Thumbnails click on the thumbnail button.
Image 9-13
3. Now, you can navigate the computer to select the desirable pic b y clicking in the black squ are.
4. After a pic is selected, the image will fill the black square as shown below.
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