6. GUI orientation
The following functions are provided:
• Enables or disables the PIP’s shadow.
• H Size (%): Adjusts the s hadow’s horizontal size as a
percentage of the P IP’s size.
• V Size (%): Adjusts the shadow’s vertical size as a
percentage of the P IP’s size.
• H Pos(pixel): Adjusts the shadow’s horizontal pos ition in
• V Pos(pixel): Adjusts the shadow’s v ertical position in
• Opacity: Adjusts transparency, from 0 (transparent) to
1024 (opaque).
• Edge Width: A djusts the w idth of shadow creating a halo
type of an effect.
• Color Selection: Adjusts the s hadow’s color with the help
of the slider, or w ith the color wheel.
A Luma (Luminance) Key is one in which the hole-cutting
information is derived from the lum inance (brightness) level of
the key source.
Source on the Key Bus can be selected as the “cut.” You can
select Self or Matte, Preset Bus or Split for the “fill” source.
Clip: Adjust the threshold of the video that “cuts” into the
background. A hole is cut into the background any where that
foreground lum inance is greater than the clip level.
• Range: 0.00 to 1.00, in .01 incremen ts
• Default: 50.00
Gain: Adjus t the sensitivity of the key, enabling y ou to change
the sharpness of the keyed image. G ain only a ffects the edge of
the key hole, as set by the clip.
• Range: 0.00 to 1.00, in .01 incremen ts
Opacity: A djusts the op acity of the keyed image, from fully
opaque to fully transparent.
• Range: 0.00 to 100.00, in .01 incr ements
• Default: 100.00
Reset: Press to return all clip, gain and opacity settings to their
default values.
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