
9. General operation example
9.6 Multiviewer (MRV) Menu
Make sure that yo u h ave assigned connectors to MVR outputs as outlined in section C7 before yo u p roceed.
Click on the Multiviewer icon on the left hand side of the screen to reach the Multiviewer Menu , the module used to setup the
Multiviewer outputs to the M RV m onitors. You should see two screens since two Multiviewer outputs were declared.
We will setup the top window to display a ll the inputs and the bottom window to display t he Program and preview screens.
Setup the “Sources” window
1. Click on the top tab that is labeled “MVROut1”.
2. Click on the Auto Layout Input button that is located at the bottom of the display area. All of the sources will appear lined up at
the top of the w indow.
3. Click on the Background tab and the top of the right hand side.
4. Drag the P C-Background into the Window area.
Image 9-26
5. Resize and ar range the PIPs to ll the screen.
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