2. Safety
2.1 General considerations
General safety instructions
• Before operating t his equipm ent please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
• All warnings in the documentation manual should be adhered to.
• All instructions for operating and use of this equipment must be followed precisely.
• All local installation cod es should be adhered to.
Notice on safety
This equ ipment is built in accordance with the requirem ents of the international safety standards IEC60950-1, EN60950-1,
UL60950-1 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60950-1, which are the safety standards of information technology equipment including
electrical business equipmen t. These safety standards impose important requirements on the use of safety critical components,
materials and insulation, in order to protect the user or operator against risk of electric shock and energy hazard and having ac cess
to live parts. Safety standards also impo se limits to the internal and external temperature rises, radiation levels, mechanical stability
and strength, e nclosure construction an d protection against the risk of fire. Sim ulated s ingle fault con dition testing ensures the
safety of the equipment to the user even w he n the e quipment’s norm al operation fails.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014