C. Troubleshooting
C.1 Troubleshooting List
Problem solving
Problem Possible cause Remedy
E2 doesn’t start The P ower supplies are not connected to
a v alid power source
Make s ure that at leas t one power supply
is connected to a valid power source.
Make sure that the supplies a re w ell
inserted in their slots. Remov e the pow er
cord and apply a little pr essure by using
the handle until both supplies are fully
One of the Power Supplies is not coming
If the input AC power LED on the Power
supply is off, then the s upply is not
receiving a valid AC power
Check the A C power cable and ensure
that the unit is connected to a valid power
If the input AC power LED is green but
the output DC power LED is off or if the
status LED is amber, then the supply is not
producing valid DC output power
If the other Power supply is functioning
normally, swap it with the supply that
doesn’t work. If the problem follows the
power supply, then the you need to replace
the power supply. If the problem stays with
the slot, then the fault possibly lies w ith the
System Power card. Contact your local
Barco customer service support for further
All or most images are uns table or/and
Temperature issue
Operating ambient temperature must be
higher than 0°C (32°F) and lower than
40°C (104°F).
Run the board diagnostics in order to
detect errors
Leave sufficient front and rear clearance
to ensure that airflow through the E 2 is not
restricted .
Clean the EMI filter
A specific im age is unstable or/and noisy Bad Input, output, VPU or motherboard
Run the board diagnostics in order to
detect errors. If the board diagnostics
doesn’t detect any errors proceed to the
next step.
From the GUI change the output card
from which the image is derived. If the
problem persists, then the issue is not with
the output card. C ontinue by switching
the input source to a different input card.
If the issue persists then the issue is not
with input card. If the input a n d output
cards have been ruled out, then the issue
is either with a VPU car d or w ith the
motherboard. In this case, con tact your
Barco customer service support for further
The E2 and the PC running the GUI don’t
Cabling/network switch is sue Check all of the Ethernet cables and verify
that they are plugged in. If you are using
a network switch v erify that is on and is
operating properly.
Wrong IP address IP address is no t within your LA N range.
Conflict between network addresses:
if the E2 network address is not
already in use by another device on the
local network.
DHCP is not enabled.
When the PC running E vent Master
Control Software is connected directly with
the E2, the dynamic configur ation (DH CP)
doesn’t work.
There is no DHCP server in this
configu ration
You need to disable the DHCP option and
enter a s tatic network address compatible
with the PC running the Event Master
control software (range, Subnet mask,..).
E2 constantly reboots after a software
Invalid upgrade (deployment or defective
Press and hold the SEL and ESC keys
simultaneously until the front panel shows
the choice of performing a factory reset
or c ontinuing. Performing a factory reset
will allow the E2 to boot normally. If
the problem persists, contact you local
Barco customer service support for further
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