
Reference Manual
300530EN, Rev BA
September 2012
Rosemount 2410 Series
Section 4. Configuration
4.6.1 Installation
The TankMaster WinSetup wizard is the recommended tool for installing the
Rosemount 2410. It supports basic configuration of the 2410. To configure a
2410 do the following:
1. Start the installation wizard in TankMaster WinSetup.
Figure 4-1. The installation
wizard supports easy installation
of the Rosemount 2410
2. Select the Devices folder.
3. Click the right mouse button and choose the Install New option.
4. Choose device type 2410 Tank Hub.
5. Follow the instructions. See the Raptor System Configuration Manual
(Document no. 300510EN) for more information on using the TankMaster
WinSetup program to configure the Rosemount 2410.
4.6.2 Advanced
Advanced options such as the Secondary Bus, Relay Output and Hybrid
Density are available in the Rosemount 2410 Properties window. See
Appendix C: Advanced Configuration for more information.
Install New...