Reference Manual
300530EN, Rev BA
September 2012
Rosemount 2410
Appendix C. Advanced Configuration
C.8.1 Delta Level
The following example illustrates how to use TankMaster WinSetup to
configure a Rosemount 2410 to calculate the difference between product
levels for two tanks Tank 1 and Tank 3. The result is stored in tank
measurement variable Delta_Level in Tank 1.
A Virtual Relay Output can be configured to use the measurement variable
Delta_Level as source parameter to trigger the relay whenever the level
difference exceeds a specified value. See “Relay Output” on page C-6 for
more information on how to configure relay functions for a Rosemount 2410.
Figure C-13. Arithmetic
operations are configured in
Holding Registers 4800 to 4879
Figure C-14. The result is
displayed in Input Register 4800
and higher
1. Choose subtraction.
2. Put the result in Tank
Measurement Variable
3. Put the result in Tank 1.
Now the result will be stored in
TMV_Delta_Level for Tank 1.
4. For arithmetic operation
parameter A choose Tank
Measurement Variable=Level.
5. Choose arithmetic operation
parameter A from Tank 1.
6. For arithmetic operation
parameter B choose Tank
Measurement Variable=Level.
7. Choose arithmetic operation
parameter B from Tank 3.
The result is displayed in Input
Register 4800.
Parameter A
Parameter B