Expansion TERMINAL Mode The Programming Console can be put into Expansion TERMINAL mode by turn-
ing ON AR 0709. Pin 6 of the CPU’s DIP switch must be ON.
Switch the Programming Console to Expansion
TERMINAL mode by turning AR 0709 ON.
Turn AR 0709 OFF to return to CONSOLE mode.
7-1-18 Keyboard Mapping
The C200HS supports the expansion keyboard mapping as well as normal key-
board mapping. Expansion keyboard mapping controls the status of the 41 bits
SR 27700 through SR 27909, while normal keyboard mapping controls only the
16 bits in AR 22. The status of these bits can be controlled by pressing the corre-
sponding Programming Console keys when the Programming Console is in
TERMINAL mode or expansion TERMINAL mode.
The following diagram shows how to switch the Programming Console between
CONSOLE mode (normal operating mode) and TERMINAL or expansion TER-
MINAL mode.
(DIP switch pin 6 OFF)
Press the CHG key.
Press the CHG Key or
execute TERM(48).
Turn OFF AR 0709
or turn OFF DIF switch pin 6.
Turn ON AR 0709.
Expansion TERMINAL mode
(DIP switch pin 6 ON)
TERMINAL Mode The Programming Console can be put into TERMINAL mode by pressing CHG
or executing TERM(48) in the program. Pin 6 of the CPU’s DIP switch must be
Press the CHG key again to return to CONSOLE mode.
When the Programming Console is in TERMINAL mode it can perform normal
keyboard mapping and display messages output by MSG(46) or LMSG(47).
With keyboard mapping, bits 00 to 15 of AR 22 will be turned ON when keys 0 to
F are pressed on the Programming Console’s keyboard. A bit will remain ON
after the Programming Console’s key is released.
All bits in AR 22 will be turned OFF when AR 0708 is turned ON. Keyboard map-
ping inputs are disabled when AR 0708 is ON.
In addition to the keyboard mapping function, TERMINAL mode allows mes-
sages output by MSG(46) and LMSG(47) to be displayed on the Programming
Console. These messages will be erased if the Programming Console is switch
back to CONSOLE mode.
Expansion TERMINAL Mode The Programming Console can be put into Expansion TERMINAL mode by turn-
ing ON AR 0709. Pin 6 of the CPU’s DIP switch must be ON.
Turn off AR 0709 or pin 6 of the CPU’s DIP switch to return to CONSOLE mode.
When the Programming Console is in TERMINAL mode it can perform expan-
sion keyboard mapping and display messages output by MSG(46) or
LMSG(47). With expansion keyboard mapping, bits SR 27700 through
SR 27909 will be turned ON when the corresponding key is pressed on the Pro-
gramming Console’s keyboard. A bit will remain ON after the Programming Con-
sole’s key is released.
Monitoring Operation and Modifying Data Section 7-1