The length of time that a bit is kept ON or OFF can be controlled by combining
TIM with OUT or OUT NO. The following diagram demonstrates how this is pos-
sible. In this example, 00204 would remain ON for 1.5 seconds after 00000 goes
ON regardless of the time 00000 stays ON. This is achieved by using 01000 as a
self-maintaining bit activated by 00000 and turning ON 00204 through it. When
TIM 001 comes ON (i.e., when the SV of TIM 001 has expired), 00204 will be
turned OFF through TIM 001 (i.e., TIM 001 will turn ON which, as an inverse con-
dition, creates an OFF execution condition for OUT 00204).
01000 TIM 001
01000 TIM 001
001.5 s
1.5 s
1.5 s
TIM 001
Address Instruction Operands
00000 LD 01000
00001 AND NOT TIM 001
00002 OR 00000
00003 OUT 01000
00004 LD 01000
00005 TIM 001
# 0015
00006 LD 01000
00007 AND NOT TIM 001
00008 OUT 00204
The following one-shot timer may be used to save memory.
TIM 001
001.5 s
TIM 001
Address Instruction Operands
00000 LD 00000
00001 OR 00100
00002 TIM 001
# 0015
00003 AND NOT TIM 001
00004 OUT 00100
Example 4:
One-Shot Bits
Timer and Counter Instructions Section 5-14