Many of the following errors are for instructions that have not yet been described
yet. Refer to
4-8 Controlling Bit Status
or to
Section 5 Instruction Set
for details
on these.
Type Message Meaning and appropriate response
Type A ????? The program has been lost. Re-enter the program.
NO END INSTR There is no END(01) in the program. Write END(01) at the final address in the
CIRCUIT ERR The number of logic blocks and logic block instructions does not agree, i.e., either
LD or LD NOT has been used to start a logic block whose execution condition has
not been used by another instruction, or a logic block instruction has been used
that does not have the required number of logic blocks. Check your program.
LOCN ERR An instruction is in the wrong place in the program. Check instruction requirements
and correct the program.
DUPL The same jump number or subroutine number has been used twice. Correct the
program so that the same number is only used once for each. (Jump number 00
may be used as often as required.)
SBN UNDEFD SBS(91) has been programmed for a subroutine number that does not exist.
Correct the subroutine number or program the required subroutine.
JME UNDEFD A JME(04) is missing for a JMP(05). Correct the jump number or insert the proper
OPERAND ERR A constant entered for the instruction is not within defined values. Change the
constant so that it lies within the proper range.
STEP ERR STEP(08) with a section number and STEP(08) without a section number have
been used correctly. Check STEP(08) programming requirements and correct the
Type B IL-ILC ERR IL(02) and ILC(03) are not used in pairs. Correct the program so that each IL(02)
has a unique ILC(03). Although this error message will appear if more than one
IL(02) is used with the same ILC(03), the program will executed as written. Make
sure your program is written as desired before proceeding.
JMP-JME ERR JMP(04) 00 and JME(05) 00 are not used in pairs. Although this error message will
appear if more than one JMP(04) 00 is used with the same JME(05) 00, the
program will be executed as written. Make sure your program is written as desired
before proceeding.
SBN-RET ERR If the displayed address is that of SBN(92), two different subroutines have been
defined with the same subroutine number. Change one of the subroutine numbers
or delete one of the subroutines. If the displayed address is that of RET(93),
RET(93) has not been used properly. Check requirements for RET(93) and correct
the program.
Type C JMP UNDEFD JME(05) has been used with no JMP(04) with the same jump number. Add a
JMP(04) with the same number or delete the JME(05) that is not being used.
SBS UNDEFD A subroutine exists that is not called by SBS(91). Program a subroutine call in the
proper place, or delete the subroutine if it is not required.
COIL DUPL The same bit is being controlled (i.e., turned ON and/or OFF) by more than one
instruction (e.g., OUT, OUT NOT, DIFU(13), DIFD(14), KEEP(11), SFT(10)).
Although this is allowed for certain instructions, check instruction requirements to
confirm that the program is correct or rewrite the program so that each bit is
controlled by only one instruction.
Inputting, Modifying, and Checking the Program Section 4-7