If the following mnemonic code has already been input into Program Memory,
the key inputs below would produce the displays shown.
LD 00000
00201READ ON
AND 00001
TIM 000
TIM #0123
00203READ ON
LD 00100
Address Instruction Operands
00200 LD 00000
00201 AND 00001
00202 TIM 000
# 0123
00203 LD 00100
4-7-2 Entering and Editing Programs
Programs can be entered and edited only in PROGRAM mode with the write-
protect switch (pin 1 of the CPU’s DIP switch) set to OFF (OFF=“WRITE”).
The same procedure is used to either input a program for the first time or to edit a
program that already exists. In either case, the current contents of Program
Memory is overwritten, i.e., if there is no previous program, the NOP(00) instruc-
tion, which will be written at every address, will be overwritten.
To enter a program, input the mnemonic code that was produced from the ladder
diagram step-by-step, ensuring that the correct address is set before starting.
Once the correct address is displayed, enter the first instruction word and press
WRITE. Next, enter the required operands, pressing WRITE after each, i.e.,
WRITE is pressed at the end of each line of the mnemonic code. When WRITE is
pressed at the end of each line, the designated instruction or operand is entered
and the next display will appear. If the instruction requires two or more words, the
next display will indicate the next operand required and provide a default value
for it. If the instruction requires only one word, the next address will be displayed.
Continue inputting each line of the mnemonic code until the entire program has
been entered.
When inputting numeric values for operands, it is not necessary to input leading
zeros. Leading zeros are required only when inputting function codes (see be-
low). When designating operands, be sure to designate the data area for all but
IR and SR addresses by pressing the corresponding data area key, and to desig-
nate each constant by pressing CONT/#. CONT/# is not required for counter or
timer SVs (see below). The AR area is designated by pressing SHIFT and then
HR. TC numbers as bit operands (i.e., completion flags) are designated by
pressing either TIM or CNT before the address, depending on whether the TC
number has been used to define a timer or a counter. To designate an indirect
DM address, press CH/∗ before the address (pressing DM is not necessary for
an indirect DM address).
Inputting, Modifying, and Checking the Program Section 4-7