■ vlan VLAN-ID ip irdp minadvertinterval < 3 to 1800 >
Usage: [no] ip irdp minadvertinterval <3-1800>
Description: Set the minimum time (in seconds) allowed between sending
unsolicited router advertisements. Must be no greater than the
maximum time between sending unsolicited router advertisements.
Range: < 3 to 1800 >
■ vlan VLAN-ID monitor all < In | Out | Both > mirror
Mirror destination.
Next Available Options:
■ monitor_mirror_session_id < 1 to 4 > -- Mirror destination number.(p. 736)
■ mirror_session_name -- Mirror destination name.(p. 735)
■ [no] vlan VLAN-ID monitor all < In | Out | Both > mirror
Mirror destination name.
■ [no] vlan VLAN-ID ipv6 mld
Usage: [no] ipv6 mld [...]
Description: Enable/disable/congure IPv6 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)
feature on a VLAN. This command enables, disables or
congures the MLD feature for MLD communication between
Multicast Routers, Multicast Servers, and Multicast Clients
connected to the device. This is a VLAN context command.
If not preceded by 'no',
the command accepts a variety of conguration parameters. To
get a list of all available parameters use 'ipv6 mld ?'. To
get detailed help for a parameter follow it with 'help'
Example Commands:
ProCurve(vlan-8)# ipv6 mld forward a16-a18
ProCurve(vlan-8)# ipv6 mld blocked a19-a21
ProCurve(vlan-8)# show ipv6 mld vlan 8 cong
Next Available Options:
■ querier -- This command disables or re-enables the ability for the switch to become querier if
necessary(p. 744)
■ auto -- Instruct the device to monitor incoming multicast traffic on the specified ports (this is
the default behavior) ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 719)
■ blocked -- Instruct the device to drop incoming multicast packets received on the specified
ports ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 720)
735© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
vlanCommand Line Interface Reference Guide